Dr. Michael L. Love received his BA in the Molecular Biology program at Purdue University in 1992, and his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Brandeis University in May of 2000. After completing postdoctoral work with Cornell University at MacCHESS in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, he became an X-ray lab manager and systems administrator in the Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. At Purdue, Dr. Love learned biochemical techniques such as western blot, liquid chromatography with the FPLC, and density gradient centrifugation. At Brandeis, Dr. Love studied muscle regulation from a structural perspective, and made several contributions to that field. In addition, he became a protein crystallographer with competence in crystallization, data collection, extensive synchrotron experiences at CHESS and BNL, isomorphous replacement, molecular replacement, crystallographic refinement, and structural analysis. He participated in crystallographic equipment installation, maintenance, training, and support with particular focus on the following systems; Elliot and Rigaku x-ray generators, R-AXIS and MAR image plates, various CCD's, Supper and Yale mirrors. In addition, he became interested in crystallographic computing, molecular graphics, and gained expertise in many software packages; CCP4 installation and support, AmoRe, ARP, CNS_solve, DM, Gimp, ImageMagick, Molscript, MOSFLM, POVray, Povscript, Rasmol, Raster3D, Scala, Strategy, and X-PLOR. As founder and lead developer of The GNU-Darwin Distribution, he is advancing software freedom and scientific computing on the Apple platform, but he is also proficient with other operating systems, distributions, and programming languages including C, CGI, Fortran, PostgreSQL, HTML, Linux, IRIX, OpenBSD, Debian, Fedora Core development and deployment. Since coming to Johns Hopkins, Dr. Love has obtained lab management expertise including; Rigaku/MSC service contracts, software maintenance, user queue, multiple workstation, cluster administration, and in sum, thoroughgoing X-ray laboratory operations experiences.