GNU-Darwin Distribution Posts about calorie restriction and resveratrol

Posted By: proclus
Date: 2006-04-08 23:42
Summary: Nature's way: resveratrol supplement

I am very impressed with your product line. In my opinion, we need 
a high potency (500 mg) resveratrol supplement now. You should have a 
look at the work of the Sinclair lab at Harvard HMS. Here is a link. 
It appears that resveratrol-like compounds are CR-mimetics, which will 
be future cures for cancer, diabetes, and other degenerative diseases. 
Moreover, CR-mimetics are virtually certain to extend human lifespan 
by decades. It appears to me that information about calorie restriction 
and resveratrol is currently being suppressed, but that situation can't 
go on forever, and you should get a jump on the pharmas while you 
still can. 
BTW, I found out about your products via the Nutrition Geeks website.  
I am a Utah native, born in Ogden. Please feel free to pass along this 
message as you like. 
Michael L. Love Ph.D 
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry 
School of Medicine 
Johns Hopkins University 
725 N. Wolfe Street 
Room 608B WBSB 
Baltimore MD 21205-2185 
Interoffice Mail: 608B WBSB, SoM 
office: 410-614-2267 
lab: 410-614-3179 
fax: 410-502-6910 
cell: 443-824-3451

By: proclus realm - DonorAccepting Donations
molecular mechanism post  
2006-05-27 14:15
From the email list: 
Subject: resveratrol molecular mechanism (the longevity pill) 
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 19:40:48 -0400 (EDT) 
After some thought, I believe that I have the molecular mechanism of 
resveratrol. It is an NAD-hydrogenase inhibitor. Here is a reference.
In it, you will find the binding configurations of NAD within 
various dehydrogenase enzymes. It is apparent that resveratrol, 
a planar molecule, inhibits the enzymes that bind NAD in the semi- 
planar near-syn or near-anti rotations of the ribose-1'-nicotinamide 
bond. Thus, resveratrol would stack on the adjacent bulky hydrophobic 
residues like a flat board to cover up the active site. It is possible 
that this binding accounts for all of resveratrol's CR-memetic 
properties, such as down regulation of the tca cycle and various lipid 
pathways. With the NAD-binding sites blocked, the activity of sirtuin 
rises with the rising NAD/NADH ratio, producing the CR-memetic effect. 
Contrarily, enzymes that bind NAD in the apo (relaxed) configuration 
would not be inhibited substantially by resveratrol. Notably, these 
enzymes include catalase, whose always-on activity is required for free 
radical detoxification in the cell. Another notable exception are 
enzymes like sirtuin itself, which eliminate nicotinamide from NAD by 
stressing the bond in a syn or anti configuration. Clearly, resveratrol 
must not inhibit the NAD apo binding or nicotinamide eliminating 
enzymes, or else it would not promote the observed extension of longevity. 
I would also like to point out that this general mechanism is prior art 
in any CR-memetic related patent ;-}. Resveratrol is freely available 
from grapes. Please feel free to pass that along as you like. 
Of course, NAD-dependent metabolism is a heavily researched topic, and 
it is likely that other noted NAD enzyme inhibitors are also CR- 
memetics. Cheers! 
Michael L. Love Ph.D 
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry 
School of Medicine 
Johns Hopkins University 
725 N. Wolfe Street 
Room 608B WBSB 
Baltimore MD 21205-2185 
Interoffice Mail: 608B WBSB, SoM 
office: 410-614-2267 
lab: 410-614-3179 
fax: 410-502-6910 
cell: 443-824-3451
Visit proclus realm!
Version: 3.1 
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