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From: GNU-Darwin Action: Molecules activismDate: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 14:11:25 -0500 (EST) To: Cc: Although the main MOD has not received an update for some time, ample work has been going on behind the scenes, and we have developed a number of fine galleries, which rise almost to MOD status. Under the aegis of The GNU-Darwin Distribution, the Molecules site also maintains an activist component to its mission. The latest example of these two factors in action is the beta sitosterol gallery, which again demonstrates how we can publish and link on a particular molecule of interest. If you are interested in seeing more of this kind of work, please feel free to write in and let us know. Activist work is likely to be pro bono, and the premise is simple; to publish and promote prior art and public knowledge of molecules, which can have an impact on people's access to inexpensive medicine, beneficial supplements, and other important uses, outside of corporate channeled biased knowledge and their monopolistic price structure. As always, please feel free to distribute my messages as you like, to add to what we are doing as you are able, and write back if you have any questions or suggestions. Regards, --
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry School of Medicine Johns Hopkins University 725 N. Wolfe Street Room 608B WBSB Baltimore MD 21205-2185 Interoffice Mail: 608B WBSB, SoM office: 410-614-2267 Visit proclus realm!
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